Obion County Board of Education
December 1, 2008

Agenda Item: VII.B.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #4.301 – Interscholastic Athletics

Background Information:

The amendment to Board Policy #4.301 – Interscholastic Athletics, is recommended by TSBA. The anti-hazing language has been moved from Board Policy #4.301, which deals exclusively with athletic programs, and has been placed in Board Policy #6.304 – Student Discrimination/Harassment and Bullying/Intimidation (Item VII.D.), which deals, in part, with anti-bullying programs. Additionally, the language now specifically applies to all school programs, and not just athletics.

The struck-through language is recommended for deletion.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the amendment to Board Policy #4.301 – Interscholastic Athletics, on second and final reading.